Sunday, October 29, 2006

Halloween pics

Here they are mr buzlight year and blues clues arent they just the cutiest boys!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Eye Appt.

Christian's eye procedure will be Wed. Nov. 1st it was resheduled due to the weather we had last week. This was hard decision for us to make because he has been through so much already and we hate putting him through even more so hopefully in the long run we will have made the right choice. Please keep him in your prayers that everything will go alright. Thanks

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

MRI Results

We just got the MRI results and it was clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank god for that. We can now breath a little bit.


Saturday, October 07, 2006


Christian has another MRI on Tuesday the 10th I believe this one is brain and spine. Please keep him in your prayers and that the MRI is a clear one.
He is doing good right now he has been in school for a little over a week and seems to be liking it, but riding the bus is a different story he doesnt want to get on it still.
Whenever we get the results I will update it could take up to a week to get them. Please keep us in your prayers as well with everything coming up this week im a little bit of a wreck. Thanks update more later

Monday, October 02, 2006

B-Day Party

We want to thank everyone that came and for the gifts. He had a great time playing with all the kids. Its was good seeing him have fun this year it sure was a big change from last year.
We would also like to thank his nan and pap for all the hard work they did to get ready for his party.