Monday, February 26, 2007

Eye Surgery

We finally have a date it is set for March 5th. So now we have to take him to the ped. for a medical clearance report and he is set to go. I only hope that this will be the trick to make his eye get better instead of getting worse. So please say an extra prayer for him.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hearing test/eye appointments

Christian had a hearing test done yesterday to check his left side and as of right now it looks pretty good. They want to do another one in about 6 months.

As for the eye dr he say the ophthalmologist this morning and he is now wanting him to wear a patch for 3 hours everyday until he goes back in 3 months. So now we have to figure out how to keep it on him.
The Cornea dr wants to do the stitch surgery after all she feels that he eye is getting worse everytime we go in. So that will probally be happening in the next few weeks. This is so the contact will stay in longer and hopefully keep more moisture in.
As soon we we know more we will update everyone.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Sabres Game

Hi everyone Christian and the family went to the sabres game lastnight and had lots of fun. Christian played with the little kids and enjoyed the game. Here are a few pics of our night. They played the Oilers and won 2-1 in over time.

Friday, February 02, 2007


Latest update is we still are no further with the nerve graft issues then we were a few weeks ago. We did talk to his surgeon but he wants to wait until after his next scan in April and discuss it then.
On another note Christian is out of school for a couple of days with a virus. So hopefully the meds will kick in and make him feel better. It will be good when winter is over and all the kids at school arent sick!