Friday, December 28, 2007


is now on Jan. 4th. So hopefully we will know something after this.

Dr appt.

we went to the doctor today and she checked him over and sent him for a chest xray, the xray shows that he has a viral infection which is good to hear that its something normal for once. She also talked with neuro and are getting his MRI sooner. We will be not starting the chemo until after we have this scan so that we will be able to see whats going on. He did say he hurts in his lower back and she said it could be pushing on some nerves in his legs. This is one reason they want the scan done. We have alot to talk about if things arent what we want to hear. Please continue prayers for christian and us.

Thursday, December 27, 2007


christian has an appt. tom. to see his Oncology dr. She is also going to see if neuro will have his MRI moved up. We are concerned with how he has been acting and just want to make sure things are still ok. we may have his chemo held off until he has the next scan. Will update more after we see the doctor.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Christian is still sick its been a few weeks now so we took him to the doctor today just to have him checked out, doing clear fluids tonight to see how he does and then go from there, His counts are pretty good so we know its not that. He has lost interest in eating by mouth, crawling and just seems to be more tired, doesnt sleep to well at night is up about every hour. hopefully he will get to feeling better he is suppose to start his 4th round of chemo next week.

As for other things christmas was pretty good we had our families over for dinner and enjoyed the day.

I wanted to aslo add that our aunt has had a stroke so im asking for everyone to say an extra prayer for her and the family.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

We wanted to thank who ever sent the package to the boys. Christian will love the thomas backpack and they both love everything else. So again whoever you are thank you!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Here are a few pics the one with santa was at the carlys club party and the ones with the buffalo bills were at there party. Note that christian is not a happy camper he did not want to sit on santas lap.

Friday, December 14, 2007


Christian is still trying to get over a cold that he had gotten while in the hospital. Tonight is his last dose of chemo for a few days. He has been more tired and saying that his head and body are hurting. Not sure if its from the chemo or what at this point. His next MRI is Jan. 22nd.

We are trying to get ready for santa to come. Both boys are excited and cant wait.

Please keep all the children and there families in your prayers.

Here he is waiting for the game to start and the kids making thank you cards for the players that gave the tickets so they could go.

Monday, December 03, 2007


Here you go before and after! Doesnt he look good.

Saturday, December 01, 2007


We are home now. He had an ok night of course its hard to sleep in the ICU when ppl are talking or your monitor keeps dinging because you are laying on ur stomach and have the leads bent up but his o2 was good all night and they finally decided to take off the leads and then he was able to get a few good hours of sleep in. I will put up new pics soon.