Monday, March 27, 2006

Recovery Update

Christian's recovery is slow but steady. Christian was extubated back on Friday but they had to reintubate that same day as he was unable to deal with his secretions because of his inability to swallow. Christian was extubated again today (3/27) and so far has been handling it well. I'm sure that they will want to monitor him for quite a while this time to make sure that he will be OK. If not he will most likely get a trach put in on Wednesday. This would be temporary until he could regain his ability to swallow.
Since he has no tube in his mouth now, we are able to hold him outside of his bed. I think that this is helping to boost his spirits. I'm sure when we make it out of the ICU and into a room that will really improve his mood.
With any luck we will be able to update his site a little more frequently. Keep checking back as I'm sure we will have more to post later.

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