Monday, April 17, 2006

Home Again

Christian has been released once again. We brought him home Saturday morning and he seems to be happy we did. He was trying to crawl through the house and has been playing ever since. His mood seems to be better except when he has to be tied down for some meds.

He has a hearing test today. Appointment at Roswell Tuesday for his markings for the radiation, and Wednesday he will see and eye doc in the morning and BT Clinic in the afternoon (brain tumor) so for the next few days we will be busy. Hopefully within the next few weeks we will be able to get him started on the radiation.

We will update more later on.

1 comment:

Mrs. Smile said...

I pray you all remain strong.
I pray your doctors gain insight and wisdom for Christian.
I pray Christian has more good days then bad.

Christian must have the heart of a lion!

Sending you love, hugs and more prayers,
Mrs. Smile