Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Eye Appt./School

Yesterday Christian went to the eye dr. He said good and bad things he was pleased that his eye is moving now but is still worried about the 7th nerve which is the one that makes his eye close and his face move. So now we have to hope and pray that the nerve will come back like the 6th one did.

We also had a meeting with the nurse at school and as soon as the dr feels out there part of the paper work saying what Christian needs done while at school is turned back in he will be able so start so hopefully within the next few weeks he will be headed off. The school is nice and big he ejoyed going and looking around at all he stuff they had there. He wanted to stay and play. As soon as we know more on both of these we will update you again.

1 comment:

Aunt Sondra said...

Hello all,

We will definitely all continue praying for improvements with Christian's eyes as well as his speach and swallowing too.

I am so excited just reading about Christian getting to go to school. While I don't want him to grow up I know that this could be the best thing for him right now. Especially with getting his therapies. Let's just hope it doesn't take the doctors long to fill out paperwork.

Love you all!

Aunt Sondra