Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Dont have much to say but I like this picture of him so just thought I would share with everyone else. Wednesday he has a spinal tap and hopefully we will find out what direction we are going next. So if and when we find out we will be sure to let everyone know.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Christian's Benefit

What a great event! What a great turnout! Thank you to everyone involved. It was great to see so many friends, new and old. Hopefully a good time was had by all.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Count update

Christian had his MRI yesterday but we wont find anything out until next week when another Dr gets back in. They did draw his blood while we were there and his counts are up a little for those of you that know what im talking about his Hemoglobin is 8.5 White is 3.3 Platelets are 108 and his ANC is 2145 so as you can see they came up a little which is good news. We will update when we find out what is going to happen next. Have a good weekend everyone.

Monday, February 20, 2006


Christian had is first real bath lastnight in 4 months..he started taking off his clothes and was trying to jump in....so we wrapped him in clingwrap and that was a little tricky we had to be careful not to pull out his Gtube but make sure it was tight acrossed his brovaic..When all that was said and done he got in and had a wonderful time playing with his toys and just sitting in the water. Of course I was nervous trying to make sure he didnt get anything wet and of course he did because how do you tell a 2 year old not to splash in the tub. But thankfully the clingwrap did the trick and kept him nice and dry.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Little update

Today Christian had his blood transfussion and it only took 7 and half hours to get out. They were a little slow getting started. Thankfully he did not spike a fever so he did get to come home. He is now running around having a fit because he wants to eat cookies and he cant have those yet. We take him to feeding clinic tomorrow and to have a hearing test so we will see what they say at the feeding clinic. Hopefully we can start giving him regular foods.

This is a picture of Christian and his little brother Carter on a day he actually liked to have him sit beside him.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

BT Clinic/Back to the Hospital

Well Christian has been to his first Brian Tumor Clinic. It was an excellent opportunity to ask his doctors lots of questions. We saw his oncologist, neurosurgeon, and neurologist. Everything that we found out just made us realize that we're really not going to know what happens next until after his MRI on the 23rd. While at the clinic, Christian had his blood drawn. After getting home we got the call that his counts are low and that we'll need to go back into the hospital for a blood transfusion. Lets just all pray that it will go well and will be a short trip.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Christian is doing well these days he has been in the greatest of moods. In the past two days he has started walking alone to the point he is almost running. It is nice to see him get his confidence back. On Feb. 10th Christians story will be on kiss 98.5 at 10:30 am.

He goes in today for his follow up chemotherapy. He had a GI appointment today and that went ok. The Dr. said unless things got worse to stay with what we are doing.

Friday, February 03, 2006

We have realized we forgotten to mention our newest addition to the family Carter Matthew. He was born on Nov. 17th 2005. Christian is enjoying his little brother he likes to feed and help change him. Its nice to see how Christian loves Carter when he hugs and kisses him.

"Round 4"

Well the fourth round of chemo went off without a hitch. Christian was actually in a pretty good mood today. We also had the opportunity to sit down with his neurosurgeon (Dr. Li) and review his most recent MRI. What we found out, and haven't been aware of up till now, was that the tumor actually raps around his brain stem which is what would make a total resection very difficult. There is still the hope that this fourth round of chemotherapy will shrink the tumor enough to make surgery possible. We have also asked our lead oncologist (Dr. Fitzpatrick) to present our case to the oncology group in Boston and a neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins to see if there are other options. Christians next MRI is on the 23rd of February to evaluate if the fourth round of chemo was effective or not. We will update the site as we find out more information.