Thursday, February 16, 2006

Little update

Today Christian had his blood transfussion and it only took 7 and half hours to get out. They were a little slow getting started. Thankfully he did not spike a fever so he did get to come home. He is now running around having a fit because he wants to eat cookies and he cant have those yet. We take him to feeding clinic tomorrow and to have a hearing test so we will see what they say at the feeding clinic. Hopefully we can start giving him regular foods.

This is a picture of Christian and his little brother Carter on a day he actually liked to have him sit beside him.

1 comment:

Mrs. Smile said...

I stumbled on your blog site quite accidentilly. 3 years ago I was diagnosed with a tumor on my pituitary gland. 4 weeks ago I had surgery to remove it.

Your site has touched me deeply and I pray for you, Christian and the rest of your family daily.

Christian must be a very strong little boy. He sure smiles alot!

Sending you lots of hugs, love and prayers,

Mrs. Smile