Friday, February 03, 2006

"Round 4"

Well the fourth round of chemo went off without a hitch. Christian was actually in a pretty good mood today. We also had the opportunity to sit down with his neurosurgeon (Dr. Li) and review his most recent MRI. What we found out, and haven't been aware of up till now, was that the tumor actually raps around his brain stem which is what would make a total resection very difficult. There is still the hope that this fourth round of chemotherapy will shrink the tumor enough to make surgery possible. We have also asked our lead oncologist (Dr. Fitzpatrick) to present our case to the oncology group in Boston and a neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins to see if there are other options. Christians next MRI is on the 23rd of February to evaluate if the fourth round of chemo was effective or not. We will update the site as we find out more information.

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