Wednesday, August 16, 2006

School Time

Our baby is going off to school. They had his CPSE (committee on Preschool Special eduacation)
meeting yesterday and decided he is eligible for school for full time thats right full not part :( . So in September not sure as of when yet still have to get the rest of the details, he will heading out the door. I feel that it will be easier for him then me :)
He will continue to get all of his therapies at the school (so he will actually be getting the speech and ot now) so this is good news. When we find out more info we will be sure to let you all know.

1 comment:

Aunt Sondra said...


I was so excited to hear that Christian was going to school this year.

But, I am also sad. I don't want him to grow up and leave us!

I am sure mommy will miss him terribly.

But, the best news is that he will be getting swallow and OT while there.

Hope you feel better soon Amy and I can't wait to see you boys again.