Tuesday, October 30, 2007

MRI Results

First off I have to say the after scan experience this time was horrible. Christian was not very happy, he was hitting himself, scratching his face and screaming. I do not know if they used a different drug this time or what all I know is it was not fun.

Now for the results, we got the call that everything is stable! So at least its not growing or not growing that fast if it is.But stable is what we were hoping for.

He is having his 2ND round of chemo starting tonight and his next scan will be in January.


Anonymous said...

I am so very, very relieved. Ask what they gave him!! There is no reason for that to go on if its not necessary. Have them check to see what was used before. This is not necessary that he feel that way.

Anonymous said...

God is on your side, and yall are in my prayers. I am sorry to hear that he wasn't treated well. I just thought that I would stop by and let you know that no matter what happens this little one is in my prayers. Stay strong

Kathy Martel Sileno said...

Amy - that is good news and I agree with Jalena, aparently the medicine they gave did not agree with him. I'll keep my prayers strong that he continue to stay stable. How did you make out with the ramp - any luck?

Unknown said...

It's jeremy from work. my prayers are with you,

Unknown said...


It's Jeremy Wansart from work. My prayers and thoughts are with you brother. God bless your wounderful son. My best wishs to the family.