Thursday, March 06, 2008


Christians breathing is starting to be labored. His heart rate keeps going fast then slow.


Anonymous said...

Praying for Christian... God Bless your family with strength and comfort.

Anonymous said...

Amy and Darren: I will be praying for all of you. May you feel the presence of Almighty God and His loving arm's embracing you and holding you up during this difficult time. He will give you the strength you need. I love you all. Hugs and kisses to Christian. I hope to be able to see you in the morning. With faith, hope, and love, Ms. Bonnie

Anonymous said...

I'm sending many hugs and prayers of strength for all of you tonight. I pray that Christian has a restful night with no pain. Please give him a smooch on his beautiful little head for me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy,

I'm sorry this is happening so fast....know that you all will be in my thoughts and prayers during this most difficult time....

Lucia (ependyparents)

Anonymous said...

Amy and Darren and Family,

You guys are all in my thoughts and prayers. Christian is quite a kid and a hero in my eyes.

Sending you peace, comfort and love

Anonymous said...

Amy and Darren,
Tou're in our thoughts and prayers. Sending peace and stregnth your way during this difficult time.
Liz and the boys
Zack's mom

Anonymous said...

I am thinking of all of you and wish there was a magic word I can say to remove your heartache. I hope today will be peaceful. Continuing praying for you all

Anonymous said...

Amy and Darren, You're all in my thoughts and prayers. I hope for strength and comfort for you all.