Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year

we wanted to wish everyone a happy new year we hope its a good one.

Christian seems to be filling a little better today he was playing and crawling some. We are however getting anxious about the scan Friday. We are of course hoping for stable but at this point we just don't know.

People always ask how we are doing and honestly not to well. Our son is sick with cancer and going to die before he should. Its hard for us to even plan ahead in the future because we don't know if he will be here. We cant just close our eyes and believe that things will be alright because they aren't I just wish that everyone around us would get out of denial and realize this. Its easy for them to think this way because they aren't living with him and this 24/7 like we are. We are not giving up hope that a miracle might happen but at the same time we are living the crap life we have been dealt.
We are taking pictures and video of the boys together because I'm so afraid that Carter wont remember how wonderful of a brother he had. When he says I love you momma it breaks my heart but at the same time I cant get enough of it.
People like to say things happen for a reason but what the hell is the reason for this! No child should have to go through any of this.
I pray for the children that are dealing with now and the ones that have lost there life to this and there families.
So pleas keep them in your prayers as well.


Anonymous said...

Amy, I wish I could give you a big hug. Please know that you will all be in my thoughts and PRAYERS tomorrow - especially Christian. I hope everything goes smoothly for the little guy. I'm praying for good news on his scans.

Anonymous said...

Amy I am praying that Christian's scan turns out good. I'm sure everything will be fine. once again if you need anything let Brenda know or send me a im or even e-mail me. but if you need anything i am here for you. I am praying that he will get better

Anonymous said...

Amy-I've been there and back and there again(quite a few times now)and I can honestly say that I do know how you feel right now and I so wish that you didn't. You are absolutely right, it's NOT fair and it IS crappy and people don't always know what to do or say but they do mean well. I know that your family & friends & us other ependyparents will always be here for you and we will all keep right on hoping & praying for Christian.